Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Why Blog Promotion Is So Important

I just posted “9 Ways To Promote Your Blog” on my blog and i felt it is necessary to post the importance of blog promotion here. Why is blog promotion so important and why do you need to promote your blog? Let consider together some reason why blog promotion is so important and why you need to spend some time and resource promoting your blog.

Why Blog Promotion Is Important

Promotion is important to every business because it creates awareness for a product which in turn leads to increase in sales and popularity of a product. Coca cola spend approximately 3 billion per annum for advertisement while Hp spend over 1.3 billion per annum just for adverts. You might be wondering why these companies spend such huge amount in advertising alone. Well after  spending such huge amount in advert they get up to 43.784% increase in sales. That’s to tell you the power of promotion.

Why You Need To Promote Your Blog

Blog promotion is very important if you want your blog to be visible in the blog sphere. Blog promotion draws traffic/visitors to a blog, increase a blog’s page ranking and leads generation. If you don’t have a blog promotion campaign right now, you should consider creating a promotion campaign for your blog now.
There is nothing more rewarding than writing a blog post and get lots of page views/visits and readers commenting on your blog. Whenever you make a post you are being heard by people and they listen when you speak, they always want more from you because they love your post. The only thing that can make your blog go that far is to promote your blog after optimizing it for success. The next post is going to be How to optimize your blog for success.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Unique Blogging Tips Introduction

Welcome to Unique Blogging Tips. We are here to share blogging tips and experiences with you. Our main blog is www.uniqueblogging.com and we have posted lots of tips there. We make post every working day, that is from Monday to Friday. We have over seven categories in our blog and we cover choose on category to cover every week. Some of the tips we cover include SEO, freelance writing, social media, guest blogging and wordpress tweaking and customization.

Our Mission At Unique Blogging

Our mission at unique blogging is to help individual with what we know. As bloggers we learn everyday and it is our passion to share what we learn with you. We also open the opportunity for bloggers to connect with us.
Check out our homepage at